When considering the purchase of an income property, such as a home, duplex, triplex, quadplex, apartment building, or commercial property, we recommend taking the following steps to determine your potential profit:
Estimate Monthly Rent: With the help of your Real Estate agent, identify comparable properties that have been rented within the past 60 days and review the market rent range. Assess whether this range meets your minimum rent requirements.
Next Steps: After completing the steps above with your real estate agent, you’ll be better equipped to decide which property to purchase. If you’re seeking an experienced agent who specializes in investment properties and can guide you through the process, click below to connect with us today.
In 2009, the owner of Vistura founded the business with a focus on investing in California income properties and flipping houses. Over the years, the company began receiving inquiries from first-time homebuyers and investors seeking advice. In response, Vistura has opened its doors to share its extensive experience in working with first-time homebuyers, property flippers, Luxury Home Sellers, Dream Home Buyers and income property investors. Our team strives to unlock your VISion to your fuTUre!